Attempting to find eBook authors who produce quality content can be difficult these days. With literally anyone able to participate in eBook publishing, trying to find that actual expert in the sea of imposters can be a maddening undertaking. You need a way that you can locate eBook authors without sorting through thousands of eBook market links.

Whatever topic you're looking to develop skills in, be it a lifestyle topic or a business one, there is a way for you to locate eBook publishing authors with relative ease on the Internet. Instead of searching the web for your eBook topic, try using social media searches instead.

Serious eBook authors commonly use social media sites as a way of getting the word about their eBooks out to the public. By turning to the search features on these social media sites, you just may stumble onto a gold mine of eBooks to help you develop skills that you wouldn't have found otherwise.

But what can you type into social media search engines that could possibly lead you to the information that you're seeking? Trying to find the Megan that you went to high school with is difficult enough on these sites. Thankfully, the keyword searches on social media sites are quite refined, and will help you narrow down your results as well as any standard search engine would.

The results that you come up with will depend entirely on what words you use in the search. In order to get the best returns for your search efforts, you need to know precisely what it is that you are looking for. If you need to developing skills in a certain topic for work, or just have a passing curiosity, you can start by searching for what it is that you want to know.

Make sure that you spell your search words correctly, since social media sites don't often correct your spelling for you like search engines will. If your search produces too many results, try adding 'book' or 'eBook' to the end of it. What you will find are eBook publishing authors who have taken the time to construct social media sections for their works.

With these discoveries will come not only information on how to develop skills in these areas, but commentary from other readers regarding the eBook's contents. As you continue through these search results, you will begin to notice those eBook authors who present a professional image and are actual professionals in their fields.

When you have finished with this search, the chances are that you will have a new favorite eBook author for skill development eBooks. By following this author's links, whether to their website or to a store that is hosting their eBooks for sale, you will find all of their works and information about them as well. Best of all, because they are eBooks, they can be downloaded quickly so that you can start reading within only a few minutes of finding what you need.

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    I am writing in behalf of SkillBites.net  an innovative resource center where people can learn important lifestyle and business skills in a fraction of the time that it takes to read a book, take a class or attend a seminar on the topic. 

    "It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together… and I knew it." – Tom Hanks, Sleepless In Seattle


    February 2013
    January 2013


    Developing Skills
    Develop Skills
    How To Develop Skills